Another Turn of the Clock
Poem to end the week Used under Creative Commons licence - Image source Prompt found here Another Turn of the Clock Turns of the clocks and here we are again, France and the same house - 9 O'clock to 10 O'clock. It's been 12 months and two halves, Two countries living and One week discovering. Winter was trains and a bus, legging it across Paris one morning Passing the Eiffel in a flash. Driving under thick clouds Surprise visits and a dog Overstaying, overthinking. Then we packed grandma Across the border to meet John Betjeman. Spring was slow and weak Old wounds reopened As days dragged by. Lectures and essays Train rides and a missed exam Heavy weights and lots of sweat. Summer was hot and light Away from failures and grades An exam passed with pastel colours. Greece in the sun, wind in our faces Weaving our way through mountain roads Glittering blue salvation in the distance Cats at night watching us through the hu...