Another Turn of the Clock

Poem to end the week

Used under Creative Commons licence - Image source

Imaginary Garden With Real Toads
Prompt found here

Another Turn of the Clock

Turns of the clocks and here we are again,
France and the same house -
9 O'clock to 10 O'clock.

It's been 12 months and two halves,
Two countries living and
One week discovering.

Winter was trains and a bus,
legging it across Paris one morning
Passing the Eiffel in a flash.

Driving under thick clouds
Surprise visits and a dog
Overstaying, overthinking.

Then we packed grandma
Across the border to meet
John Betjeman.

Spring was slow and weak
Old wounds reopened
As days dragged by.

Lectures and essays
Train rides and a missed exam
Heavy weights and lots of sweat.

Summer was hot and light
Away from failures and grades
An exam passed with pastel colours.

Greece in the sun, wind in our faces
Weaving our way through mountain roads
Glittering blue salvation in the distance

Cats at night watching us through
the hustle and bustle of tourists
Greek greetings every 2 metres and
Mike's pub, and the Faliraki cocktails.

Family in France and a long road trip
All grown up, one missing.

Faces from the past showing up
on the doorstep, twelve years
of silence silenced.
We reclaimed the years at the lake.

Autumn, falling leaves, and
packing up my life across the channel,
goodbye cats.

Paperwork and paperwork,
Post every day, a change,
another move and my first
apartment, my first job away from home.

It's been change and growth this year,
It's been heartache and repair.
It's been change and growth this year,
It's been friends and learning and me, moving on.

It's December and I've come full circle, sitting in the living room
In the same place the clocks turned to 9 O'clock last year and already
I feel a whole hour wiser.


  1. A wonderful journey through/with your words. Excellent.

  2. What a huge year it has been. Loved reading this journey, so well-penned and LOVE your perfect closing lines! Bravo!

    1. Thank you! Ending a poem is often a struggle for me, so I'm glad it works in this one.

  3. And the clock keeps turning, doesn't it? And every year we look back and often find ourselves in the same place -- one year wiser, but still in the same place. Though we reminisce.......

    Nice to see you in the Pantry! Happy Holidays.

    1. Thank you, I always like it when people find meaning in my own poems. :)

  4. What a glorious potted account of your year. One hour wiser is a lot better than not at all!

    1. Thanks - it sure is! Moving even one step is better than falling back two.. heheh

  5. We might travel the world.. but someday it might still seem as we are on the same spot.. but you seem to have moved around.. maybe the closing is for a good cause.

  6. Whoosh! So much reflection to fit in an hour!

  7. It was wonderful to read this poem, rich with adventure. You are experiencing so much as a young woman. It must feel amazing to go past the Eiffel Tower! Yay! I enjoyed this very much!

  8. Sounds like a very busy time! Enjoy every moment of your adventures!


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