Sunday Sans Serendipity

Thursday may be the new Friday, but Sunday remains plain old Sunday. I suppose I have a bit of a problem with Sundays. They feel a bit like visiting older relatives when you are a child, when you're bored and the day drags on and there are only a few biscuits to snack on.. Yes some of my childhood was like that. I was very keen on tea-time (le quatre heures), and hence I hated the days I couldn't get one, and, on top of that, had nothing to do. I usually ended up reading a book I had already read many times before.

Sundays kind of feel like that to me. I want something to happen, I want to do things, but I usually sit around doing nothing and feeling bad about it, whilst the clock ticks forward and the feeling mounts. Isn't it weird how after about 1 pm, the day feels finished? Then, some Sundays, things happen, and it feels like visiting old relatives, but your cousins are there too, and you get up to all sorts of tricks and feel sad to leave. This is why I am not a big fan of winter. I feel it restricts my freedom. There's less adventure to be had when night falls at 4 pm and your fingers are numb.. And of course tomorrow you have to get up..

Fridays are much better. It's the start of the weekend, and you have two whole days to enjoy! Fridays you can go out an not worry too much about how late it is. This Friday I baked bread with chocolate chunks inside, and spent the evening with friends, doing random nonsense that is always much funnier in company. Today I did a whole lot of cleaning. To be honest, I was too busy to feel bad about Sunday, so I suppose that works, but I sure will be happier when Sundays stop feeling so.. dusty? Yes, somehow they feel dusty, most of the time. I think I need to go on an adventure, and shake off that dust!

How do you spend your Sundays?


  1. I like Sundays. I have fond memories and my parents sitting around, reading the newspaper, and drinking coffee. To me, lazy Sundays are the best, and it's good to have some down time from the crazy week.

    But now on Sundays, I'm usually doing homework that's due on Monday because I procrastinated too much during the weekend.

    We usually went to my grandparents' house on Saturday because Saturdays were huge shopping days for my mom and her twin sister. We sat around bored, watching basic TV that wasn't even cable until it was time to shop.

    1. Lazy Sundays are good, I just need to learn to enjoy them without feeling like I should doing something! I've had some very good Sundays in the past - now it depends, but I do like summer Sundays, and wandering about parks.. I totally understand your procrastination problem - I procrastinate a LOT. I have a rule that on weekends, homework is banned, so I have more pressure to finish it in the week. :)

      P.S: Love your icon!


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