Watercolours, Inks - Corgis and a Cat and Otter

Recently I've been painting a lot more, which I'm quite happy about, as I often end up neglecting one or more of my hobbies/ creative outlets and get caught up in Life (with a dramatic capital L). I hope to transition to inks soon - I've tried them already and enjoy using them, but haven't quite mastered the technique yet. After buying a pack of inks on sale last year, and then being gifted another pack, I feel I really should start using them!

 The advantage of watercolours is that they are 'erasable' to a certain degree, so mistakes are not always the end of the world. Not so with inks! I am hoping that my extra watercolour practice will help me when I start painting with the inks again. 

I have quite a few project ideas, so will definitely be updating the blog with some new paintings soon. You can check the gallery, which I try to update fairly regularly, to see all the paintings I've posted so far.


  1. So cute! My personal favourite is the otter.

    1. Thanks! I'm glad you like my work, I appreciate the feedback!


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