Flash 55

Days crawl,
A trail of poured treacle.
How many clouds have I seen pass
By these windows I've opened and shut again—
Count how many times—I've walked from door
To bed, to window, to door - how many steps
Taken in this temporary home, this land.
How many months to make
A citizen?


Prompt: Imaginary Garden's Flash 55 prompt. I'm using Sunday's prompt, but technically this is Friday's poem since I'm catching up.


  1. Rosemary Nissen-Wade6 April 2015 at 04:57

    I feel the sadness and weariness. I fear it takes a long time anywhere.

  2. Kerry O'Connor6 April 2015 at 06:41

    I love the egg shape of the poem and the words contain a kind of searching. Your artwork is delightful.

  3. I particularly admire the 2nd line, and the illustration ~

  4. Thank you, I'm glad you like my watercolour and poem :)

  5. Homesickness happens to the best of us!


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