Stargazing in the Sahara

Stargazing in the Sahara

Desert wind pushing hair strands
We adjust our scarves, pull hoods,
lie back, muscles stiff from the climb.
Metres high with sand in our socks,
Gaze at the tents, tiny below,
Stare at the stars, tiny, above.


Prompt from Imaginary Garden, also shared with NaPoWriMo.


  1. Beautifully written...!! :D

  2. Kerry O'Connor7 April 2015 at 21:35

    What an amazing journey and opportunity to view the stars from such a spectacular vantage point.

  3. So, much depth in your vantage of sight

  4. I remember, long ago, standing at night in Tamanrasset, and marveling at the canopy ~

  5. Rosemary Nissen-Wade8 April 2015 at 14:29


  6. To find that mighty in between where each of us is small to stars and tents--that is a balance to find our creativity in!


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