#19 - The Secret of The Blue Mountains

Shared with Poets United

Attempt at a prose poem. Ireland, again..

Blue mountains spread in the distance,
a place where the keys are hiding. Silently
I watch them. They stretch under the sun and
under rolling clouds, puffed with pride. There
I feel your presence would be felt, and I wish
I could travel the earthy paths too, smelling the
Fresh grassy air and touching skies. I'd pick a
wildflower and examine it in my palm.
I'd let the wind tangle my hair. I couldn't go, though,
and it remains a mystery to me, much information
waiting to be uncovered. I couldn't fix it, yet.


  1. Replies
    1. Very true, sadly. It is a life lesson hard to learn and accept. :)

  2. interesting...wonder why they could not go to the mountain...there are plenty of secrets in the mountains...its where i find my peace...

    1. Little time, little transport.. Things don't always go how we wish, sadly. The secrets are still safe for now.. Thanks :)

  3. love all the sensory language in this

  4. I enjoyed your contemplative thoughts as you viewed those blue mountains in the distance. So much of life IS a mystery...until at the right moment it is revealed.

    1. Thank you. Yes, one must wait for the right moment.. Patience and hope.. :)

  5. this is written beautifully....in such a place a liitle bit of waiting is worth it....the key
    will be found to unlock that door of mystery...

  6. "...puffed with pride..." the image explains the impossibility or unwillingness to travel there! And yet, when we arrive, we often find a humble and welcoming presence.

  7. There is wonderful imagery here--beautiful write!

  8. "a place where the keys are hiding"......how thought-provoking and beautiful. I love the blue mountains in your poem - from the time I was a tiny girl, I always called them "the big blue hills"...I am still surrounded by them.....and think often as I look at them "the big blue hills'

    1. How wonderful! I've always called them the Blue Mountains (well, since I knew of their existence!) and now it's stuck, it's their name for me.. I hope to visit them properly one day. :)

  9. I enjoyed the tone and imagery of your poem, Kerridwen.

    1. Thanks Gabriella! Some places are just more inspiring than others :)

  10. luv the imagery, love the strength of those mountains; have a nice Sunday

    much love...

    1. Thanks a lot, hope your Sunday was good too - sorry for late reply. :o


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