#4 - Lightly Seared On The Reality Grill

From NaPoWriMo's prompt four. From an Iain M. Banks spaceship name..
Lightly Seared on the Reality Grill
I've been lightly seared
On the reality grill again.
Last night that was but
Still I feel the pain and heat.
Oh, the reality grill
Leaves angry tiger stripes
On what was once unperturbed skin.
Lightly seared, I was -lightly, yes - but oh! 
So many times seared
On the reality grill.
How stupid of me - I never learn -
End up again on that grill
Ended up on that reality grill again
When, again, last night I spoke and
Then, again - hope died..
Without hope I was left
On the reality grill again.
Lightly seared.
Heavily scarred.


  1. Ouch! Loved what you did here.

    1. Thanks! It was a very inspiring title to work with!

  2. Yes, very different from mine! I really like how you repeated parts of the title in different ways throughout. Your last two lines are a nice way to close.

  3. Thanks, I love using repetition in poems, and reading poems with repetition.. Hope NaPo is going well for you too!

  4. You've been to the tempura banquet--lightly battered! Love the tiger stripe image.

  5. Know the feeling all too well--very vivid detail makes this searing itself.

  6. This made me kinda pine for the summer BBQ. :) I noticed yesterday that the hardware store was optimistically displaying backyard grills, when we still have quite a bit of snow on the ground. Soon!

  7. i Could feel the pain of being burned by reality in your words...

  8. Yes, yes, you named it all so well… I am sorry for your pain, the pain we all feel when reality burns us unexpectedly (we forget, we all forget until burned once again)

    1. Unfortunately it's one of those trickier parts of life.. Just has to happen!

  9. excellent conceit, so well drawn ~

  10. such a cool and apt metaphor!


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