Hiding Under the Wisteria

Picture from Wikimedia Commons

From the Imaginary Garden prompt

Hiding Under the Wisteria

Blue and pink
Twist around my thoughts
Growing taller, hanging
Over fences, bridging
Gaps in trees, no more sky.

A soft wind
Pushes blossom on my face
Tickles my eye
Smells surrounding

A chink of light passing through
Sweet like summer
Vivid like spring
As I lay on a carpet
of flowers.


Disclaimer: These are poems I won't be spending a lot of time on. As such, I don't expect perfection (neither do I need it). However feel free to tell me what you think about them, and if you enjoy certain lines more than others - I'm quite OK with constructive criticism!

Are you participating in NaPo? Do you write poetry? Feel free to comment below and leave a link to your day one poems, and any general comments you wish to leave.


  1. Nice mood capture.The first stanza is really solid, and I like the image of hues intertwined with thoughts.

  2. i love that carpet...beautiful :)

  3. This feels like a beautiful escape...a time of unity between body and nature. Lovely write!

  4. My experience is of hiding under lilac--but wisteria is even softer-- a magic in that. Thanks for the remembrance. k.

    1. Lilac sounds lovely too.. Hiding under any plant.. Willow trees are another favourite ;)

  5. This is really well done. I like the way it moves.

  6. Your opening stanza really appeals to me...I love that you brought thought in like this.

    Thank you so much for joining the challenge!

    1. Thank you very much, and no problem - challenges help keep me on my toes ;)

  7. Your poem gives me a very vivid sense of place, and the first stanza is particularly strong.

  8. a good sense of the hiding, here ~

  9. Nice word weaving of memory and presence. I could almost smell their perfume.


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