Linking Lunes

From Wikimedia Commons

Shared with Poets United

I thought I'd try my hand at lunes again. This poem can have a deeper metaphorical meaning if you want.. or not.. It's up to you I guess.. ;)


As you sit
Enjoy the silence and peace
Sip your tea

Turn off phones
Disconnect from the outside world
Drink your tea

Discover new books
Stories you didn't know existed
Enjoy your tea

Smile at memories
Cry a little bit, too
No more tea


Disclaimer: These are poems I won't be spending a lot of time on. As such, I don't expect perfection (neither do I need it). However feel free to tell me what you think about them, and if you enjoy certain lines more than others - I'm quite OK with constructive criticism!

Are you participating in NaPo? Do you write poetry? Feel free to comment below and leave a link to your day one poems, and any general comments you wish to leave.


  1. very warm, books and tea, but the end is a bit sad, it all runs out.

  2. Love this...each could stand alone, but as written have a wonderful progression

  3. Ah.. love the use of tea in the last line.. the progression of consuming tea.

  4. Love this progression and the calm feeling of enjoying tea........

  5. I was sorry the tea was gone at the end. I was enjoying its solitary pursuits and restfulness. I will go and make some more.

  6. Nice form and touching work... With Best Wishes Scott

  7. Each step in the process is a choice to be made,


  8. Tea is a beverage that rakes up nostalgia for times gone by. It's a brew of leisure, isn't it? I love the way you've used it as a synecdoche to remind us to sit back, relax and take in the world around us.

  9. love the tranquility the words weave.. :)

  10. Lovely. Sometime sad when the tea runs out...
    Anna :o]


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