The Great Catch Up Day - Poems #24-26

A pond in Roehampton - photo by me

These three were also written in the park. It's not easy writing good poems after a month! 


Wicklow Lune

There's a hill
Where travellers go, seeking truth
I have Wicklow

(Following the 2,4,6,8,2 word pattern)

Wicklow Cinquain

Next year
When memories have faded
I'll paint Wicklow on the wall
Pretend the secrets it contains are all mine -
Forget yours.


Reading Rilke

Rilke had it right, with his ideas of love.
"For holding on comes easily; we do not need to learn it.” 
The night transforms it, it seeps through the walls.
Laying alone with thoughts for company
Love the other side of Earth,
A young poet waits for letters


Disclaimer: These are poems I won't be spending a lot of time on. As such, I don't expect perfection (neither do I need it). However feel free to tell me what you think about them, and if you enjoy certain lines more than others - I'm quite OK with constructive criticism!

Are you participating in NaPo? Do you write poetry? Feel free to comment below and leave a link to your day one poems, and any general comments you wish to leave.


  1. this incites. it captures a thought of one who is wanting to hoard a piece of life for themselves and plastering it on his wall for only he to take pleasure. and yet, the last stanza, if you will, seems to emote the passion of a poet.

    just say'n

    1. Thank you for stopping by, and for your comment! I suppose in a way there is an element of hoarding a piece of life.. nice one!

  2. I adored your "Reading Rilke" poem… really touched me… beautiful.

  3. I enjoyed these, and the beautiful photo. I especially like "Love the other side of Earth, a young poet waits for letters."

  4. I enjoyed al these. I particularly love, 'The night transforms it, it seeps through the walls.'

  5. These are all beautiful. The last one is my favorite.

  6. nice!!!

    much love...

    1. Thanks! I'll definitely link up to one of your Monday Writes soon!

  7. "Pretend the secrets it contains are all mine -
    Forget yours."

    I love these lines, for they speak of reclaiming the self.

  8. I especially like the Rilke piece ~


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