Poetry Patchwork Cat

From Imaginary Garden

Following Imaginary Garden's prompt, I tried to write a poem based on the above picture.


Patchwork Cat

Poetry patchwork cat
At your service!
Tonight, under the stars, Patchwork
Cat brings colours to life
Helps tiny seedlings to grow
Waters them with words
Of great inspiration
Reads them letter of joy
Kicks the speaking slugs away

Come and talk to this cat
And your sorrows melt
Towers of poems and colour await.


Disclaimer: These are poems I won't be spending a lot of time on. As such, I don't expect perfection (neither do I need it). However feel free to tell me what you think about them, and if you enjoy certain lines more than others - I'm quite OK with constructive criticism!

Are you participating in NaPo? Do you write poetry? Feel free to comment below and leave a link to your day one poems, and any general comments you wish to leave.


  1. Awe - my cat makes me smile too - I'm not sure I'd ever say she was at my service, though ;)

  2. :D That was a creative poem!
    Kicks the speaking slugs away
    ^Made me laugh!

    Escaping through Ink

  3. this was a very cute read. reminded me of my own cat. :) great job!

    stacy lynn mar


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