In Which I Attempt the Triolet (again)

It's just past 23:00 and I haven't written my Day Three poem. This is insane - one can't lose inspiration after just two poems! Crazy crazy.. I looked at my seeds again, that still have not shown signs of life. I'm so impatient. I want those herbs to be growing already, so fast I don't realise it! Same for the front yard and my flowers.. I'd just wake up, look out, and they'd have burst out in a firework of colours.. Yes, this is why I don't garden often. Hardly ever, really. I wouldn't call it gardening.

All this waiting does not even bring poems, which is quite sad. Am I lacking inspiration, or simply lacking motivation? Or am I, without even really realising, simply 'blocked' because I fear my poetry will be / already is bad? Actually, that fear is real, and I do realise it, mostly. I will always have an inside voice telling me it's maybe not that good, what I write. But I can often shut it up - I use my best Joe Strummer voice and... "shut up, you!"*

Anyway, it's way too soon to miss a post, right? So I'll just have to write something. So of course it just popped into my mind to try and write a triolet. It makes sense - I've no inspiration, so let's attempt a difficult (to me) form! Well, we all need a little crazy in our lives.. Let's go..

I Found a Poem Today

I found a poem today, under a rock
That shone from afar, like a jewel.
I was searching for treasure, and what luck!
I found a poem today. Under a rock
That shone brightly, what a shock-
A poem, just waiting, how blissful-
I found a poem today, under a rock
That shone from afar, like a jewel.


Apparently I cannot write a serious triolet. They always end up sounding like a joke. Hope some of you like it, though!

Disclaimer: These are poems I won't be spending a lot of time on. As such, I don't expect perfection (neither do I need it). However feel free to tell me what you think about them, and if you enjoy certain lines more than others - I'm quite OK with constructive criticism!

Are you participating in NaPo? Do you write poetry? Feel free to comment below and leave a link to your day one poems, and any general comments you wish to leave.


*at 4:45 in the song.


  1. What a poem pearl it was..I love the ones that wash ashore and onto the page

  2. Sometimes poems appear in the most mysterious ways. If a poem appears under a rock, savor the poem & consider yourself lucky! Smiles.

    1. Thanks for reading, and your comment! Cute dog, by the way! ;)

  3. I really like this! Even an uninspired mind can come up with something good if it tries.
    Good luck with NaPoWriMo!

    Escaping through Ink

    1. Thanks for your comment! I agree, sometimes you just have to push yourself and see what happens. :)


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